Medical Engineering
When exact data and durability are required, Novotechnik sensors are on call. Whether 3D simulation of moving processes, respiration or x-ray machines, or kidney stone fragmentation apparatus, the applications are as diverse as people themselves.
See more information: Download brochure "Linear and Rotary Position Sensors in Medical Technology"
This cancer treatment machine generates a localized beam for radiation treatments. Inside there is a rotating carousel which can hold up to 10 different scattering foils or flattening filters, depending on the type of treatment a person needs. The Novotechnik potentiometer is used in the positioning of this carousel to ensure that the filters and foils are aligned properly with the radiation distributor.
In the course of transperitoneal dialysis, metabolic waste products are removed from the blood through the peritoneum. The peritoneum is a membrane that covers inner organs in the abdominal cavity. By means of a catheter, inserted surgically, a sterile dialysis solution is introduced into the abdominal cavity and removed several times a day. The peritoneum serves as a dialysis membrane.
Most transperitoneal dialysis treatments are carried out by the patients themselves at home or at their place of work.
Two potentiometric linear sensors T50 are used for controlling and monitoring the dosing pump.