
Novotechnik supports students of the Heinrich-Heine High School, OstfildernGymnasiums, Ostfildern

Chinaisone of the world leadingtrading partners for Germany.ThisdevelopmentisincreasinglyandGerman universitiesoffer courses of studiesin combination withChinese language.

TheHeinrich-Heine-Gymnasium in Ostfildern is one of the first schools in die region Baden-Württemberg which offersChinese classesfrom the 5th class.

Moreover,thisschoolhasa student exchange withtheHigh SchoolAffiliated toBeijingUniversity in Beijing.

From 21October to 1November 201214 students were guest at the partner schoolin Beijing. The students were able to find out in local experience how importantevenrudimentarylanguage skills and the knowledge ofcultural matters are.

Novotechnikmade this student exchange ​​possiblethrough donations.